Oh, to be Jeff Goldblum – A Tribute to a Celebrity Who Did Not Die Yesterday!

Amidst the frenzy caused by the deaths of Farrah and the king of pop yesterday, stories started to circulate that Jeff Goldblum had plummeted 60 feet to his death during a movie shoot in New Zealand.  The Twitterverse started to explode with Tweets wondering what was happening. An ominous “First Farrah, then Michael and oh no, not Goldblum!” buzz started to tweak the tweeters.  Was this the first sign of the apocalypse?  How could the universe take so many talented people in one day?  Tributes started pouring in for Farrah and Michael.  Surprisingly, I didn’t see any for Goldblum.  Maybe there wasn’t enough time because within hours the story proved to be false.  Jeff Goldblum is indeed alive.  But part of me thinks Goldblum was slighted by the lack of heartfelt accolades streaming across the Twitter ticker.  I would like to undo that wrong.  I am here to pay tribute and celebrate the life of Jeff Goldblum.  Call it my, “Yippie, Jeff Goldblum didn’t fall 60 feet and die,” remembrance!

My Favorite Jeff Goldblum Movie:  Annie Hall (actually it’s my favorite Woody Allen movie, but Goldblum was in it for like two seconds.)

My Favortie Jeff Goldblum Quote:  “I don’t go to these places where there are belly dancers and this and that.” (Neither do I, Jeff.  Neither do I.)

My Favorite Song that Makes Me Think of Jeff Goldblum:  “The Jeff Goldblum song” The video is below:

My Favorite Jeff Goldblum food:  Lots of sugary sweet gooey food because it reminds me of the movie The Fly, my favorite Non-Woody Allen movie with Jeff Goldblum in it.

My Favorite Jeff Goldblum Picture:

Shirtless in a fabric store - Classy!

Shirtless in a fabric store - Classy!

My Favorite Jeff Goldblum Poem I Wrote Without Putting Any Effort Into It At All:

Jeff Goldblum, 60 feet you did not fall.

I love like don’t mind am only slightly annoyed by your acting style, quirky speech patterns and awkward pauses and all.

Jeff Goldblum, reports of your death were fake.

Dude, that scene in the fly where body parts start falling off is awesome, but a little hard to take!

Jeff Goldblum were you Tenspeed or Brown Shoe?  I can never remember.

The only word I can think of that rhymes here is December…. I guess I could have used September.

Jeff Goldblum you are really tall!

Did I mention I’m glad you didn’t fall!

Feel free to leave your own Jeff Goldblum tribute in the comment section below!

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4 thoughts on “Oh, to be Jeff Goldblum – A Tribute to a Celebrity Who Did Not Die Yesterday!

  1. informative post, thanks

  2. free fall Jeff did not
    wings like a fly he must have
    self deprecating

  3. Pingback: Freaky Search Friday – October 16, 2009 Edition « R.W. Ridley

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